1987 - 1989: PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, University of Milan-Modena-Trieste, Italy.
1984 - 1985: Degree in Pharmacy, University of Modena,
1979 - 1984: Degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Science, University of Modena, Modena, Italy,
2013 - present: Full Professor in Medicinal Chemistry (CHIM08), Department of Life Science, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy.
2000 - 2012: Associate Professor in Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Bioscience and Biotechnology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.
1993 - 1999: Permanent Researcher position, faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, University of Modena, Modena, Italy.
1990 - 1992: Research position at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Modena.
2015-2018 Principal investigator Italian Association for cancer research (AIRC) project IG 16977, "Protein-protein interactions in colorectal cancer".
2013-2017 Coordinator FP7 EU project New Medicine for trypanosomatidic Infections (NMTrypI) ( )
2010-2013 Prinicipal investigator Italian Association for cancer research (AIRC) project IG 16944, "Targeting drug resistance in ovarian cancer".
2017: Invitation as moderator to XXXI International conference on Pontificio Consiglio per gli Operatori Sanitari (per la Pastorale della Salute), Vatican city 10-12 Novembre 2016
2017: Invitation of the President of the Italian Republic to the scientific celebration event of the National Cancer Research day 25 October 2016.
2014: ITTS, Mumbai India, Best researcher in medicinal chemistry 2014.
1992 - 2018: 81 postdocs/ 27 PhD students/ 102 Master degree students
2019-2020 : Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Toxicology 2, Pharmacy, UniMORE.
2017/2018- 2018/2019 : Radiopharmaceuticals, Course of Pharmacy, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.
2015-2020: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Course of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.
2014 - 2020: Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Toxicology 2, Course of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical technology (CTF), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.
2004 - 2014: Faculty of Biotechnology and Biology, teaching courses held: Biotechnology drugs, Medicinal chemistry and Advanced methodologies in Drug Discovery, Laboratory of biotechnological drugs, protein purification. Analytical chemistry methodologies of biotechnological drugs, Drug targets identification approaches.
1990 - 2004: Faculty of Pharmacy teaching courses held: Analytical Chemistry, Quantitative analysis of pharmaceuticals, Qualitative analysis of Pharmaceuticals, Library design in drug discovery , New methodologies in Drug Discovery.
3/12/2019.15-18 Half-day young medicinal chemists meeting. Dep.Life Science. UniMORE. Modena
June /2016: Synergy meeting of FP7-health-2013-2.2.4-2
12/2011: COST CM0801 on Drug development in neglected diseases, Training school on assay development in medicinal chemistry, Modena.
10/2011: COST CM0801 on Drug development in parasitic diseases, annual meeting organization, Department of pharmaceutical Science, Modena, IT. ( 12/2011: COST CM0801 on Drug development in neglected diseases meeting )
19-20/02/2009: Drug Resistance in Ovarian Cancer: biomarkers and treatments, Dep. of Pharmaceutical Science, Modena, IT.
2019 Member of the working group of the National Medicinal Chemistry Division on medicinal chemistry teaching.
2019 Representative of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in the Paul Erlich MedChem, Euro PhD Network. ( ).
2017 President of the International Committee of the PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Granada.
2017 Committee member University of Pamplona (2017).
2017 Committee member PhD examination, University of Milan (2017).
2016: Committee member University of Siena. PhD School.
2016 - present: Committee member Comitato di Indirizzo of Course in Chemistry and pharmaceutical technology.
2015 - present: Committee member School of Doctorate in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Course of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical technology.
2008 - 2015: Committee member PhD school, Science and Technologies of Health products, Course of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical technology (CTF) and Course of Biotechnology.
1994 - 2007: Committee member PhD school, Drug Science, Chemistry and pharmaceutical technologies, Unimore.
1994 - 2007: Participation in the Working group for the organization of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Bioscience, Unimore.
2019 - European Science Foundation panel list member
2004 - 2018 Expert evaluator of the European Commission ( Horizon 2020 and FP V-VII ).
2003 National Expert for the valuation of PIA (Appointed by the Ministry of productivity).
Evaluation of research projects for ANR, France.
Evaluation of research projects for the Belgian Minister of Research.
Grant awards peer reviewer of different International Organisations (CNRS, Polish and Czechgrant awards committee, different foundations), MIUR, European Science Foundation.
Associate Editorial board member of ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Current Medicinal Chemistry, Mini-reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. Arkivoc.
Peer reviewer of scientific journals: Nature, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, BiochimicaBiophisica Acta, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, Biochemistry, Parasitology, Journal of Molecular recognition, Chemistry and Biology, Journal of Molecular Biology, some online Journals.
2011: Folate Receptor Society (VU University Medical Center Amsterdam The Netherlands
2010: Member of the Translational research group, Research Network “MITO” (Multicentro Italiano per il Tumore Ovarico) (
2009 - present Founding Member, EUTROC (European Translational Research for Ovarian Cancer)
2005- present: Member of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
1990: Member of the Italian Chemical Society (
Book Chapters
1. Hits and Lead discovery in the identification of new drugs against the trypanosomatidic infections. Theodora Calogeropoulou, George E. Magoulas, Ina Pöhner, Joanna Panecka-Hofman, Pasquale Linciano, Stefania Ferrari, Nuno Santarem, Mª Dolores Jiménez-Antón, Ana Isabel Olías-Molero, José María Alunda, Anabela Cordeiro da Silva7, Rebecca C. Wade and Maria Paola Costi * “MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY OF NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES. Advances in the design and synthesis of antimicrobial agents” to be published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 2019.
2. Scaffolds and biological targets avenue to fight against drug resistance in leishmaniasis. Chiara Borsari, Antonio Quotadamo, Stefania Ferrari, A. Venturelli, Anabela Cordeiro, Nuno Santarem, Maria Paola Costi. Annual Review in Medicinal Chemistry. Volume 51. DOI: 10.1016/bs.armc.2018.08.002
3. Series Editor for VITAMINS & HORMONES (Academic press/Elsevier), VH Volume 107: AID 146) entitled OVARIAN CYCLE. Chapter entitled “HUMAN THYMIDYLATE SYNTHASE INHIBITORS halting OVARIAN CANCER CELL GROWTH. M.P.Costi et al. 2018;107:473-513. doi: 10.1016/bs.vh.2017.12.002.
4. Costi Maria Paola, Pellati Federica, Ferrari Stefania (2013). Protein-protein interaction inhibitors: case studies on Small Molecules and Natural Compounds. In: Maria Paola Costi, Stefania Ferrari Federica Pellati. Disruption of Protein-Protein Interfaces. p. 31-60, Berlin Heidelberg:Stefano Mangani, ISBN: 9783642379987.
5. Trypanosomatid Diseases. A molecular route to drug discovery. Edited by Timo Jäger, Oliver Koch, Drug Discovery in Infectious Diseases. Volume 4 Series Editor Paul M. Selzer. Wiley-Blackwell 2013. Medicinal chemistry approaches targeting the trypanosmatidic enzymes Pteridine reductase and Dhydrofolate reductase. In Press. ISBN 978-3-527-33255-7. Stefania Ferrari, Valeria Losasso, Puneet Saxena, Maria Paola Costi.
6. Enhancing the drug discovery process by integration of structure-based drug design and combinatorial synthesis. In: ARUP K. GHOSE, VELLARKAD N. VISWANADHAN. Combinatorial Library Design and Evaluation Principles, Software, Tools, and Applications in Drug Discovery. D.Tondi, Costi M.P.(2001). ISBN: 0-8247-0487-8. NEW YORK CITY: Marcel Dekker, Inc. (UNITED STATES).
Projects granted
2021-2024 European Lead Factory QHL Programme Plan ELFSC34_10- Target-directed screening programme. "Discovery of new dual targeting chimeric inhibitors of PTR1-DHFR from trypanosomatidic parasites" Programme Proposer : Maria Paola Costi